Uxbridge Lions News
Accessibility Award
October 27, 2022 -
We are pleased to announce that our club has been awarded an Accessibility Award by Durham Region Accessibility for the Universal Accessible Playground project which is opening in the Spring of 2023.

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Congratulations to Barbara Gilbert-Sowerby
Congratulations to Barbara Gilbert-Sowerby on celebrating 10 years of service as Lions members.
Lion President Jean Doucet and Lion Jim Sowerby presented Lion Barbara Gilbert-Sowerby with her 10 year pin and letter of congratulations from Lions Clubs International President Douglas X. Alexander.
Lion Barbara transferred from Claremont & District Lions Club where she was a member for 8 years to Uxbridge & District Lions Club in the fall of 2019.

Loaves and Fishes Food Bank
On Saturday, May 21, a tornado caused extensive damage to many buildings and homes. Uxbridge Lions Club donated $500 to the food bank to help them obtain and provide food to people who were in need after the tornado.

On December 23, 2021, Uxbridge Lions donated $1,000 to Community Living Durham North's CHPI program to help others in our community who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to have a Christmas.

Uxbridge Lions thank everyone who participated in our Halloween Parade and donations towards our accessible playground project on Sunday, October 31, 2021.

Halloween Parade in Elgin Park!!
Congratulations to Lion Ed Evans and Lion Blair Evans
Congratulations to Ed Evans and to Blair Evans on celebrating 40 years of service as Lions members.
Lion Bob Armitage presented Lion Ed Evans with his 45 year pin and certificate.
Lion Blair Evans was presented with his 45 year pin and certificate by Lion Jim Sowerby. Blair recently transferred from Claremont & District Lions Club where he was a member for 45 year to Uxbridge & District Lions Club in the fall of 2019.

Lion Ed Evans with Lion Bob Armitage and Lion Harold Graves

Lion Blair Evans with Lion Jim Sowerby
Donation from Uxbridge Firefighters Association

The Uxbridge firefighters Association presented the Uxbridge Lions Club with a surprise donation of $700 from the towards our 2020 Christmas Project. Thank you so much.
DVD Players for ReachView Village

The Uxbridge Lions have donated five portable DVD players plus accessories to the ReachView Village Long Term Care facility in Uxbridge. Seen below are Christine Corrigan, Recreation Manager/ Volunteer Coordinator at Reachview and Lion member Eric Nidd.

Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides
Uxbridge Walk for Dog guides was a virtual event this year. We welcomed guides and their dogs, family and friends to support the Lions Foundation of Dog Guides Program and join Team Uxbridge & District Lions. The Virtual Dog Walk was Sunday, May 31st. Participants were invited to go to www.walkfordogguides.com to join our team. Donations could be made directly to the website.
Ideas to participated included:
Walk around the block,
run on the treadmill at home,
dance in the living room, or
jump on the trampoline,
all while practicing physically distancing.
If you are interested in joining the team, go to www.walkfordogguides.com. Click on “Join the Virtual Team.” In the drop-down box, look for and click on “Uxbridge & District Lions.” This opens up the window to donate. Patrons pay to the Lions Foundation of Dog Guides. To qualify for early bird prizes, donate by Friday, May 15th. The national deadline to donate is Thursday, May 21st.

Uxbridge S.S. Volunteer Fair
March 4, 2020
The Uxbridge Lions were invited to participate at U.S.S. to promote their volunteering opportunities on Wednesday, March 4. The purpose of the fair was to help Grade 10 students learn about what Uxbridge Lions Club does to raise funds to help people in the community. We invited students to sign up to volunteer for their community services hours to help out at upcoming events such as the PetValu Walk for Dog Guides, and Art in the Park. We are please to announce that we had 9 students sign up to volunteer.
Lions Christmas Baskets

December – 2019
The Uxbridge Fire Fighters gifted the Uxbridge & District Lions with an $800 donation to the Christmas Baskets Project.
The Uxbridge & District Lions have provided families in the Township with food and clothing for the parents and their children at Christmas for a number of years. This year we are able to distribute 14 Family Baskets, containing an assortment of food items, clothing and special items, that were purchased from donations. Some of the items have been specifically tailored to the individual needs of the recipients.
We wish to thank all of our friends and supporters who provided funds to purchase much needed special items. We also purchased gift cards, one per identified family, to allow them to purchase their own Christmas dinners. Thanks to “Friend of the Uxbridge Lions Club” supporter Greg Niarchos, the Uxbridge Zehrs general manager, for his continued personal support.
The Lions Club is always ready to provide a helping hand within our community, with various fundraising projects happening throughout the year. Our motto “We Serve” says it all. If you would like to know more about volunteering to work on some of these projects, please call 647-456-4942 for more information.
Cheque Presentation to Firefighters for Memorial Statue

November 12, 2019
The Uxbridge Firefighters were presented with a cheque for $1000 toward their Memorial Statue and Garden Project by Club President Lion Jean Doucet. This statue will remember the Fallen Firefighters from the past. It is to be erected in 2021 to mark the 150th year of the Uxbridge Firefighters.
Congratulations New Members

November 10, 2019
Red-letter day for the Uxbridge & District Lions: Two new members have joined our Club: Lions Jim Sowerby and Barb Gilbert-Sowerby. Join me in welcoming them to their new home.
Camp Huronia

September 30, 2019
Diabetes Support…. I went with almost 100 Lions from our district , as well as Districts A3 and A12 to Camp Huronda – a summer D camp for youth with Type 1 Diabetes (Diabetes Canada). A cabin cleanup, tour and information session provided our Lions clubs the opportunity to focus on helping with funding for needed renovations and updates to this wonderful facility! Thanks to Lion Trish from A16 for coordinating and a shout-out to all that went!

Uxbridge Lions Service Award
June 28th, 2018
The Service Scholarship was presented for the first time this year to a student candidate exemplifying service to the community throughout her high school career and even earlier. The award was presented to winner Eliana Busse by Lion Cathy Boone at USS 2018 Graduation ceremony. There were four wonderful candidates.
Uxbridge Lions History Award

June 28th, 2018
Ms. Emma Runnalls is the winner of the 2018 Uxbridge Lions History Award. The award was presented to winner Emma Runnalls by Lion Cathy Boone at USS 2018 Graduation ceremony.

Helen Keller Award
May 12th, 2018
Dr. McMullen received the Helen Keller Award for his work providing Lions with over 10000 pairs of eye glasses since he began in 1992. Lion Bob Armitage presented the award.
Recipients of Melvin Jones Fellowship and Pin
May 12th 2018
Lions Harold Graves, Ed Evans and Bob Armitage received the Melvin Jones Fellowship and Pin from Uxbridge Lions President Jean Doucet on Saturday May 12, 2018 for many years of selfless dedication to the work of Lions. Congratulations!

Donation to Jump Start
April 5th, 2018
Pat Higgins, owner Canadian Tire Uxbridge received a $500 cheque for Jumpstart April 5, 2018 from Uxbridge & District Lions.
2018 Pancake Breakfast
March 24th 2018
Our members worked hard and had lots of fun providing 400 breakfasts to adults and children from Uxbridge. Our day was an enormous success, exceeding the funds raised in 2017 while accepting payment by donation rather than with fixed ticket prices. Uxbridge Lions Harold Graves, George Chenette, Bob Armitage, Greg Kearns, Ted Eng and Jean Doucet worked to provide the pancakes, bacon and sausage while USS students helped clean. We had much help in the kitchen from Cynthia Nidd and Lion Dan and his wife and two Leos from the Omemee Lions. Lion Cathy Boone headed up the dining room with help from her daughter Katie Fortune, Denise Graves and our friendly Lion mascot. Lion Rick Carlstrom and his daughters took their place at the Membership Table while Lions Eric Nidd and Mike Fortune greeted guests.

Donation to Support Large Print Program

February 5th, 2018
Lion President Jean Doucet presented a $500 donation toward the Uxbridge Library’s Large Print Books program on February 5th 2018 to CEO Alex Hartmann.
New Member Induction Ceremony

December 9th 2017
New Lion Greg Kearns was officially inducted to the International Lions Club on December 9th 2017. The ceremony was officiated by District Governor Lion Tim Cheung.
Uxbridge Legion Donated to Lions Christmas Baskets Project

December 7, 2017
The Uxbridge Legion donated $1000 towards the Uxbridge & District Lions Christmas Baskets Project. (Lion Mike Fortune is pictured receiving a cheque from Patty Croft of the Legion Auxiliary)
Uxbridge Firefighters Donated to Lions Christmas Baskets Project

December 5th 2017
Uxbridge Fire Fighters donated $700 toward the Uxbridge & District Lions Club Christmas Basket project for needy local families on December 5th 2017. Together we serve our community.

Silver Centennial Award
November 27, 2017
Lion Harold Graves receives the Silver Centennial Award November 27, 2017.
New Executive Officers for the Uxbridge & District Lions Club

June 13th 2017
On Saturday June 10th, 2017 the New Executive Officers for the Uxbridge & District Lions Club was officially installed. Lloyd Clifton led the ceremony. Bob Armitage – Immediate Past President, Rick Carlstrom- First Vice President and Membership Chair, Cathy Boone – Secretary, Jean Doucet – President, Lloyd Clifton – Past District Governor. Eric Nidd continues as Treasurer.
Donation to Dog Guides Canada

May 31st 2017
Donation to Dog Guides from our 2016 Art in the Park Silent Auction. The artwork, donated to the auction by our artists, raised $2144.00 for Dog Guides Canada. Pictured left to right: Lion Ed Evans, chair AIP, Sandy Tourney, executive director, Dog Guides Canada and Lion President Bob Armitage.
May 28, 2017 was truly- to borrow from U2- a Beautiful Day here in Uxbridge.
More than $6500 was raised today toward the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide Program. Over 20 guide dogs and owners gave of their time and donated,as well as obtained pledges, to take part in a 5km walk around our town to raise support for the guide dog program, the awesome training facility in Oakville and the wonderful foster families who give their time and love to these pups for one year to acclimatize them to ‘real world’ places like shopping malls and churches so they can then be trained to do the work they do so well.
We learned from Sandy Turney of Dog Guides that there now are dogs trained to assist those with Type 1 Diabetes. A shout-out to Bob and Sue Armitage, personal friends of mine and the Uxbridge Lions, who have fostered 3 dogs in the past. Two families took part in the walk today with their autism-assist dog telling us how their lives have changed. One couple there has fostered 17 dogs in the past. WOOT WOOT!!
Remember to come to Art in the Park 3rd Weekend in August, this summer at Elgin Park and support our Silent Auction: 100 % of the proceeds go to the Guide Dog Program.