Uxbridge & District Lions Club
Ontario Canada
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Uxbridge Lions Food Booth, Elgin Park
Lions volunteers operate the Food Booth as part of their fundraising activities. All profits go to local charities.
In the past, the Lions Food Booth has been open for events such as Canada Day and Uxbridge Fall Fair.
This year, the Food Booth is open during the summer for various events and for the Car Show on Thursday evenings from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and for the Fall Fair weekend..
We Welcome Volunteers
Lions Club members or if you need community service hours,
you are welcome.
Want to volunteer at one of our events?
Want to learn more about how you can help out in our community?
We welcome individuals who want to accumulate community services hours.
We are always looking for volunteers! Click here to volunteer.
We welcome Lions Club members from other clubs in the area.
For more information, contact Eric at 416-476-8850
Everyone has skills and expertise that would be beneficial
to the work that Lions do to help others.
Volunteers will help us with the following:
Cutting potatoes to make French fries - we have a potato cutter.
Boiling hotdogs, put in a bun and wrap.
Help with wrapping burgers.
Checking the condiments table and replenishing condiments as needed.