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Uxbridge Lions News

2024 May 29 Cheque Presentation.jpeg

Thank you to Uxperience for their Generous Donation

The photo shows the Uxperience group presenting a cheque for $7000 toward the Lions Universal Accessible Playground, officially opened July 1, 2023. Our Club was selected to be the recipient for funds from this year's Uxperience "the Times". Local service groups and charities were asked in February to apply for funding in a brief application from Uxperience and do a presentation. We learned that we were selected following our presentation!! The cheque will go a long way to put a shade pergola at the front of the playground to allow sitting in the shade, out of the hot sun. We hope to recognize Uxperience! for their gift with a plaque attached to the pergola following its construction.

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On March 14, 2024 Lion Jean Doucet accepted a Certificate of Appreciation of the Uxbridge Lions support for Diabetes Canada from Lion Hugh Adams.

Welcome our new member, Lion Betty Russell.

We are pleased to announce that our new member, Lion Betty Russell, was inducted into our club on Saturday, October 14th, 2023.

Congratulations, Betty!
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